To Know Jesus is to Love, Serve Him Through His Spirit


    As Jesus told a modern day Lay Franciscan, "To Know Me is to Serve Me Through My Holy Spirit. Bringing you into truth each time you receive Me in Communion.

    I can not force you to follow Me nor can I give you power if you refuse to cooperate with the mental graces I pour out upon you. You must be willing to surrender and listen each time the Holy Spirit moves your conscience.

    The Pinnacle of Truth can only be reached through a journey that must be made by receiving My Body, My Blood, and Divine Inspiration which then becomes an anointing placed upon you just as a fiery tongue came down upon the head of My Apostles when they received power from on high. Then, they acted and not until then, because the Holy Spirit moves at His own discretion.

    You must not be amazed that you can not have the Spirit's Life within you unless you receive My Body and My Blood in remembrance of My Passion and Death on the Cross. Try to understand while My Spirit is found in the Word of God it is in receiving Me that all godly works begin in you.

    The Spirit searches the heart, the mind. It unearths a person's need for Divine Grace. When the Spirit finds the troubled place the work begins of helping each man to have the mind of Christ. My mind is all you need inside of you.  

   Are you not to be renewed by putting on the mind of Christ? My God, my God you say, how does this travesty apply to me? You Jesus want to take over my authority over my life? But where can you go to escape the Divine Truth that no man comes to the God of the Universe but through Me?

    How long will you wait to surrender your pride that wants to stay in control in all that you do? How can you control a life that is not Spirit-filled? If you want My anointing, My Father's sanction, the Spirit's guidance you must surrender your will each time you come to Me in Holy Communion. This is the key to beginning the climb to the pinnacle.

    You have to step up to climb. You can't look back over your shoulder as you are climbing. You can't look negatively down you must climb up and receive the future for the promise on the horizon will be greater than anything you have ever known. The promise comes from obedience.     

    My Mother said it well, ‘Whatever He tells you to do, do it and do not do otherwise.’ "Whether it concerns a problem, a situation, a goal, a person or something you are afraid of. I want you to put your trust in what I place in your conscience each day of your life knowing that the oil in My flask, the balm of Gilead, the abundant blessing will never cease as long as you receive My Spirit each time you come to Me in Holy Communion.

    There will be no lack. And anything that happens in your life will be orchestrated by Me. Even if there are sad notes and themes of experiences you do not understand. I am at the center of it. I am the consecrated Christ that lives in you. I am the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. Before Abraham was I Am. Knowing Me -- Through My Spirit is all that matters then, the rest is up to you."