Daily Apostleship: Conforming Your Life to the Holy Eucharist for the Glory and Love of Almighty God


    In an attempt to make my worship perfect through constant Daily Communion I receive the spiritual graces to remain in perfect love, missing it only when I forgot the continuous Presence of God because the Word of God and Holy Communion were renewing me spiritually from one day to the next. We must never forget that Almighty God takes care of us daily through His mercies which will bring us to Eternal Life.  

    When we come to Holy Mass we come to the Resurrection, where our Risen Savior dwells! The Lamb shepherds us from His throne!

    Everything changed once Jesus revealed that the Tabernacle is the very presence of God descended from heaven. The power of the Most High overshadows God’s holy dwelling place. “We have found the Messiah (the Anointed One) Jesus Christ who brings us truth and grace.” (John 1:41, 17b) "Go before the Golden Door -- the Tabernacle -- and say, 'In Thee I place my trust." -St. Catherine of Siena   

    “Laud O Zion, your salvation, laud with hymns of exultation, Christ    your king and shepherd true: Bring him all the praise you know, He is more than you bestow. Never can you reach his due.” (Lauda Sion) Direct access to the Father comes through the person of Jesus who rules God's House as High Priest. Daily Apostleship puts Christ’s love into action through the Holy Eucharist for the greater glory of God.

    As we join the heavenly court singing the Sanctus; the Most Holy Trinity presides upon the Altar for the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I reverently kneel as heaven and earth meet at the Holy Palace.

    The Mass is a real participation in the once and for all Paschal Sacrifice Jesus offered God the Father for the remission of our sins. Jesus, the Divine Lover, the Risen Savior who died on the Cross at Calvary over two thousand years ago is truly present on the Altar.  

    I receive the Crucified Christ’s Living Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist. It is the very soul of the Catholic.   

    "Jesus is 'a man who knows suffering'. I invite you to unite your-selves in your thoughts and in your heart to the sacrifice of the Mass, an endless source of hope for all of life's trials." -Pope John Paul II  

    The Mystical Body of Christ proclaim the death of the Lord each time we eat the Bread of Life and drink from the Cup of Eternal Salvation. Anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit, the work of redemption continues through the Holy Mass. As we wait in joyful hope for the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    The infinite mystery is Almighty God. The Crucified, Risen Lord, Jesus, is the New Jerusalem. See Christ Crucified, on the right, wearing a crown of thorns. His severely beaten, scourged, bare body with torn skin and flesh has blood dripping from His right wrist and right foot, where the stakes were removed.

    Jesus, our Resurrected Lord, is wearing a stunning, white body length wedding garment draping His left side. His magnificent golden crown shines. Lord Jesus is in full glory, when He reveals His Crucified and Risen Nature, together.  

    Jesus is elevated on a beautiful chalice. The chalice is constantly being filled with His precious blood, flowing from His pierced side. His arms are outstretched in victory, continuously raised as four consecrations occur per second, at Holy Masses throughout the world from now until the end of time.

    Directly above the chalice, behind the Crucified, Risen Lord, Jesus, is a large, half world/Holy Eucharist. As the ordained priest elevates the Sacred Heart of Jesus – the Consecrated Host above the Chalice -- at Holy Mass; the Crucified Christ has the world at His back; while the Holy Eucharist is behind Jesus Resurrected.

    The chalice Christ stands upon, sits squarely across the narrow road, Jesus’ followers take. It is marked with blood and shattered glass. This path provides verdant pastures, fresh, running streams, and a vast abundance of spiritual resources. The wide path, the world craves, leads souls into a land of desolation. Heaven is a serious struggle. “Christ Crucified and Risen the hope of humanity.” –Pope Benedict XVI, Homily in Czech Republic Sunday September 27, 2009

     The Blessed Mother accompanied by the Holy Spirit is Bringing Christ to the World Through THE MASS. She spreads her beautiful, blue Mantle of protection over God’s chosen people. As she brings us to Jesus at the Holy Mass to participate in the mysteries of salvation; the Holy Spirit travels the speed of light, bringing the Second Pentecost.                                                                                                                                                             

    "Mary lived in the divine Eucharist, the center of her love. All her thoughts, words and actions sprang from it like the rays from the sun." -St. Peter Julian Eymard

    "In receiving the Blessed Sacrament, always use words of love and hope toward our Lord, such as: 'You are my Father, O Lord! You are the spouse of my soul, the King of my love and the well-beloved of my soul! O good Jesus, you are my dear Master, my aid, my refuge!" -St. Francis De Sales "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God."

    “For by one offering he has made perfect forever those who are being consecrated. The Holy Spirit also testifies to us, for after saying: This is the covenant I will establish with them after those days, says the Lord: ‘I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them upon their minds,” he also says: “Their sins and their evildoing I will remember no more.” (Hebrews 10: 14-17) Jesus has brought the New Covenant in His own person.

   "Whoever wishes to live perfectly should do nothing but disdain what Christ disdained on the cross and desire what he desired, for the cross exemplifies every virtue." -St. Thomas Aquinas                                                                                                                     

    Once you successfully find God’s pathway, remain on it through the tree of life; which will lead you to His everlasting Kingdom.

    “Transubstantiation is our Catholic faith. Through Transubstantiation I suddenly see God face to face.” –Mother M. Angelica

    I was compelled to write this book of praise and worship -- and revelation of the saints living and in heaven. The Risen Christ fortifies you in holiness as you take up arms of prayer, fasting, and penance.

    “Eighty-six years have I served Jesus and never did he fail me. How could I now blaspheme my King and Savior.” –St. Polycarp, (69-155) Apostolic Father, Bishop and Martyr “If you imagine that I will swear by Caesar, you do not know who I am. Let me tell you plainly, I am a Christian.” Spoken while in the judgement seat before being put to death by the proconsul. Saint Ignatius of Antioch once told Polycarp “your mind is grounded on God as an immovable rock.”      

    Daily Apostles are sentinels of the Holy Eucharist who glorify God each morning bringing our Lord Jesus Christ, His risen life, His powerful presence, and Spirit to the world. His love flows in and through the hearts of His children for the Holy Spirit reaches out of us into everyone we meet to light their wick of faith and love.

   The Three Divine Living Persons love you dearly. Pray and converse with the Almighty Father, Jesus, the Eternal Son, and your friendly Advocate for “This is the day the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it.” Laypeople, religious, even the unchurched yearn to live in complete oneness with God, atop His Holy Mountain.

    “We want to see Jesus and adore Him. The Kingdom comes to us through the Cross and the Holy Eucharist!” –Pope Benedict XVI

   Daily Apostleship attains the interior victory-- created anew by Jesus -- the Father’s emissaries testify to the Spirit of Truth strengthening people’s belief in Christ’s Real Presence while rebuilding the world.  

    “And now, Lord, enable your servants to speak your word with all boldness, as you stretch forth (your) hand to heal, and signs and wonders are done through the name of your holy servant Jesus. (Acts 4:29-30) Come Holy Spirit enkindle in us the ability to effectively communicate Jesus Incarnate in homilies, experiences, dialogue, etc.

    May the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ bring us all, to everlasting life! Amen! Lord, provide the abundant graces we need, and feed us day by day in the Holy Eucharist! Amen!